
Petition: Artificially increasing or lowering other people's rating or ranking should be labelable

I believe the offense of "artificially increasing or decreasing one's own rating" should be expanded to this offense, "artificially increasing or decreasing any person's rating, ranking or tournament points". This will include some behaviors that I believe exist right now:
1.Using alts to artificially lower other people's rating.
2.Using alts to artificially increase other people's rating.
3.Using alts to occupy or remove other people from Top 1, Top 5 and Top 10 by artificially lowering other people's rating and hence kick them out of the Top list.

Behavior 1 and 2 are generally done as a strategy to get Behavior 3 done.

however just playing rated tourney in alts is good
If two completely unrelated players rematch over and over in rated games (this happens occasionally), and one player consistently wins, how will you ensure that the system would not flag these people?
#4 The main issue here is really with rating and ranking.
For example if someone used a 1500 or (worse, sandbagged) alt account in order to bring a 2600 guy down to 2500 so that his/her own main ID can be 1st at ranking 2550.

If alts are not involved I do not believe this should be flagged..lowering others' rating is of course allowed, just artificially lower others' rating should be banned.
#4 has a good point still, you could have 2 email accounts and it would be hard to detect that.

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