
Charismatic Chess

Chess variantPuzzleTacticsStrategy
Chess at X5 speed

The rules of the game are extremely simple, and it will not be particularly difficult to understand and master them in just a few minutes.
The game is played using a regular 8x8 chessboard and a standard set of chess pieces.
The game starts from the following position:

and 15 pieces of their color in reserve for each player.

Chess pieces from the reserve are placed on the board in groups of five. First White places 5 random pieces of his color on the board, then Black and so on until all the pieces have been placed from the reserve. Players place their pieces strictly on their half of the board. You cannot place a pawn in the first row.

Once all the pieces have been placed on the board, the normal game of chess begins with the following exception:
The game takes place in a series of moves, where each player, in turn, can play not only one piece as in standard chess, but two, three, four or five consecutive moves. There is only one condition for such a massive movement of material on the board - no piece may be moved twice. The player himself decides what his series will be, that is, how many pieces (from one to five) he wants to move on the board in his turn.
More details about the rules and an example of a test game here

The player wins the game as in standard chess - by checkmating the opponent's king.

However, it must be remembered that in a game with a series of moves, the interpretation of checkmate will be slightly different.

Unlike Progressive Chess, where the attacked king must be protected from check on the very first move of the series, Charismatic Chess provides a unique opportunity to use all moves of the series for this. The player's king can remain in check for as long as his series of moves lasts. There is only one obligatory condition - after completing such a series of moves, the king of this player should not remain in check.
In other words, if a player cannot get his king out of check on his turn (in which he can make one to five moves), that player loses the game.

Here is an example that may be unacceptable for the thinking of an ordinary chess player. But since many who are interested in chess variants are able to perceive heretical ideas without falling into hysterics, they will be sufficiently prepared for this kind of chess blasphemy.
Black to move

Black delivers checkmate to White
g4, g5, Qh7+, Kg6, Bf5 #

White can make five consecutive moves with all his pieces, but this still will not help - his king will remain under attack.
In the next example, Black thought he had checkmated White.

But we remember the unique feature of this variant of chess - Charismatic Chess allows you to use all the moves in a series to protect the king. Moreover, your king can remain in check as long as a series of moves lasts. It is important that the king is safe after the last move in the series.
In this example, Black not only does not checkmate White, but also loses the game:
Kxd2, Bxc3, Qb4 #

See how this works? Kxd2 and White's series of moves continues.

Charismatic Chess is NOT Progressive Chess, NOT Kingchess, NOT Unachess, etc.
Charismatic Chess is a variant of chess in which you can control not only the number of moves in a series, but also your king, who is in danger.