
Use lichess to learn chess vocabulary in different languages.

LichessOff topic
If you are a keen chess player and also like to learn languages like me, there is no better website for learning chess vocab.

How can I learn languages in an easy way online?

The best website which is free to do this is lichess! (just joking, it is
It has free courses made by fluent speakers of the language.


How can I learn chess vocab on lichess?

Click on your profile name in the top right corner and find 'Languages' then click on it.image

There is a wide selection of languages that you can use.
You can click on help translate lichess to see all the progess in translating lichess into more languages.

Here is an example using Italian (because I am studying it).

I see that for 'play against the computer' it says 'gioca contro il computer', 'gioca' means 'play', 'contro' means 'against' and 'il computer' means 'the computer'.

I hope you have a nice time learning languages and playing chess.