GM Avetik_ChessMood Lichess coach picture

GM Avetik Grigoryan

I am here to help you to unlock your max. potential and get extraordinary results! I have done it, my students have done it! Now you have a choice :) #Make_Smart_Moves

Location United States
Languagesрусский язык, English (US)
RatingFIDE: 25682818
Hourly rate$300/h Discount available for ChessMood students.
AvailabilityAccepting students

About me

I am Grandmaster Avetik Grigoryan (FIDE 2568, max 2623), founder and head coach of

Here you can find more info about me, I don't like boasting :)

Before going further, I highly recommend reading the following article:

Playing experience

I started to play chess at 4 when my father was at war and my Grandma taught me how to play this beautiful game.
After my father came back from the war, he took me to chess school and I had my first coach when I was six :)

When I was 13 I started to work on chess seriously, at 15 I became champion of Armenia under 18.
At 17 I became an International Master and I gave me a deadline to become a Grandmaster in 1 year.
Magically I achieved it:) (that is a fantastic story, and later I can tell you if you are interested )

I won many tournaments during my professional chess player career but probably the biggest achievement is when in 2010 I won the Armenian National Championship and represented my national team in the Olympiad! ( It was a dream of my father! )

After 2 years I stopped playing chess professionally and started a coaching career as I enjoyed it more and felt that it is what I am granted with.

Teaching experience

I am teaching chess already for 8 years! :)
I was the director of one of the biggest chess schools in Armenia, coach of a few national teams and the last year with our Grandmaster friends we created where we help chess lovers to level up their skills. Check it, if you haven't it yet, you would love it!

Yeah, I really hate this part when I need to boast myself. So I will be short.
I helped 10+ chessplayers to achieve Grandmaster level :)

When I was 18 I cracked the code on how to become a Grandmaster and with that same code, I help others to achieve the same.

Other experiences

I am practicing Kung Fu (Wing Chun) if you know about it.
I believe that our body and mind are linked more than people think.

Best skills

It seems I should boast here again :)
No, this time no! :)

Better I will add here a link with the feedback of my students :)

Teaching methodology

My methodologies are absolutely different.
I focus on mindset, on the RIGHT MINDSET.

I strongly believe in the motto Right Mood - Right Move!
Right Mood generates Right Moves and Right Results.

So at first, I unlock your potential, delete all the bad files installed in your mind and add new, fresh ones, which will help you to get your goals.

2nd - I explore your weaknesses, as everyone has different weak points in the game.

3rd - Time for determined action.
I use my big database where I have strong pills against all chess problems (calculation, endgame, openings... Everything)

4th- I will kick your ass if after all of this you don't achieve your goals. Yeah, you will be the first one :D :D :D

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