
I miss the Map

-> Menu -> Map -> "404 PAGE NOT FOUND!"
Miss this impressive "gimmick" and did not find an answer in the forum where it has gone... ;-)
It couldn't support lichess growth. The map was built for 40 moves per seconds, where nowaday we reach 400.
Ok, thanks.
Growth is good for lichess but sad for this lovely map. ;-)
uh, don't really care about the map, computer always froze when i tried to use it :p
Would it be able to show a single line every time a game ends instead of after every move? It wouldn't be as impressive, chaotic, or resource intensive, but it would still show how global lichess is. I'd guess given 2500-5000 games in progress that there'd still be about 10-20 lines per second.

This was just an idle thought. The map was a neat gadget, but getting rid of it entirely doesn't seem like a big deal and you seem to have found so many better ways to use the resources these days!
Arcticpenguin, +1.
Yes, I also want it back! Games per second seems a good idea for replacement.
Better to draw a line when a new game has been started, even more impressive)

Each new line is like a beginning of something new)
game starts - draw the line

game ends - remove the line


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