
"The best reaction to an attack in the wing is a counterattack in the center"

Not sure that's quite the sort of position they were talking about...
@MrPushwood and why not? Besides the queen blunder which is not mrtwister49's fault nothing happens out of the ordinary. It's a typical example of exactly what the title say it is.
This was an attack in the center as an answer to an attack on the side. Moving the e4 center pawn is a positional decision that changes the type of game we have quite radically and is based on common knowledge as referred in the title "The best reaction to an attack in the wing is a counterattack in the center" @MrPushwood
Just an fyi: that mrtwister49 is my chess.*** account....
What you are doing is counterattacking a more valuable piece, working with danger levels. It doesn't have to do with center and sides of the board, but with counterattacks in general and following one's own plans instead of complying. Very well played. So I think that is why Pushwood is absolutely correct in his claim that it is more of a tactic than strategy.

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