
Game behaviour

With pre-moves off, my bullet game rating has increased. The games seem to play out more like an OTB game.
I have no more zero time moves, but my opponents seem to have enough compensation time to show a few zero time moves.
I wonder how many zero time moves are possible in a game with premoves turned off.
In my opinion (IMO) too, the opponent should not have any zero second moves, unless the compensation time given for lag is higher than the time it took them to play their move. The lag given to a play should be indicated in the graph with each move.

Maybe this is another way to discover the Bot users and maybe have a feature that will auto block the ones that have zero moves in a zero increment game with premoves disabled (turned off). I presume it could be a programmable feature with the option of using it or not.
Yeah I think even if you use the hover method and drop immediately when you see the opponent's move come out it will not be 0 time. So I am fairly certain #4 is correct in that you would never have a 0 time move without premoves unless the lag compensation messed with your super fast hover-drop and ended up netting less than or equal to 0...not even sure that's a possibility though, so I'm not sure even if you disabled premoves in a game and used a bot that you'd have any 0 time moves, but it is an interesting thought by Toscani.

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