
Times-Odds Games

I think it would be cool to set up games with time-odds with friends, where you set both the time control and initial times for each side.

Currently, I can't find a way to adjust the initial clock times for casual games.

If you could add this feature that would be great! Thanks!
Oops I meant the title to be "Time-Odds Games", not "Times-Odds Games".
The only way to do that atm would be to play the first move the the handicapped player does nothing for that amount of time... a bit clumsy but I think that's the only way.
There`s a button that adds 15 seconds on your opponent`s clock. It usually serves for bad purposes, like putting more time to your opponent when he plays on after losing a queen for nothing, in order to humiliate him, but anyway... If both agree it can be used to give one extra minute for your opponent in a 1 0 game, making it a 2 x 1 game with only 4 clicks, or making a 3 x 1 game with 8 clicks. The problem is that there`s no correction in the rating changes, so in rated games it does disturb a little the rating system. Solution: Make those games always unrated. And maybe the add-time button could be changed to add 1 minute instead of only 15 seconds.

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