
Random Followers

Why do I get a random follower each day? They seem to be mostly new, lower level players. They are geographically dispersed widely. I haven't ever had a match against them. They haven't seen me playing in tournaments, which I rarely do. I'm not good enough to be featured on lichess tv.

How are they finding me and why are they following me?
they probably just mass follow people in the hope to get followers back. people like that are a thing on every website ever.
Why are you complaining? haha that sounds like you are popular:) Also, sometimes they follow you because one of their friends followed you and it showed up on their timeline.
You got TV time around 5 hours and 20 minutes Probably that is why you are getting followers
yes may be ,i do have a lot of unknown followrs my 75 percent of followers are unknown to me!!!!
Why wouldn't you like random followers? That means you're popular!😃
I don't really mind random followers. I'm more curious as to why it's happening.

I also don't see the benefit of random followers. It's not like I'm an insta influencer peddling products. I don't have any actual friendship with 90% of these people. The only effect of them is a number on my profile incrementing and a notification in my feed.
"I don't have any actual friendship with 90% of these people. The only effect of them is a number on my profile incrementing and a notification in my feed."

And you're wondering why they follow you! could they resist?

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