
Win or Draw?

Hi! I recently got a lose over an opponent with a King and Bishop because my clock expires ahead of him. My question is how will he able to get a checkmate with the king and a bishop. By the way, I still have horse and 2 pawns.
Unfortunately there is still a way for you to be mated, so the time expiration loses here.
According to senseless rule of FIDE, there is chance that you can play set of random moves with no logic as if you are hypnotised and lose by positioning such that your King is on same corner as Bishop and your knight is adjacent to you and other flight square is controlled by opponent King.
With a negative amount of time to think, it is sensible to assume random moves.
@sheckley666 said in #5:
> With a negative amount of time to think, it is sensible to assume random moves.
Even atoms in a gaseous substance would be laughing out loud when you say the moves that lead to such checkmate are random.

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