
How do I change the amount of cores used on my computer in analysis?

I actually opened a forum post on the change in the Analysis UI, but it was purely cosmetic and not about any functions.

But, I noticed that I can't change the amount of cpu core used anymore.
This is kind of frustrating for a few reasons:
1. Even when deleting my cache or other troubleshooting techniques that would work for a bug, it still remains.
2. It is automatically all of them, and I don't want my computer to overheat or degrade the processor.
3. I may only want it on one or two cores, so my computer can do other stuff in the background.

I'm hoping this is a bug, and not a feature. This is probably the case bcus why would lichess want to remove something like that?
That setting has moved to a new home. There is a gear menu top right of your screen in the analysis status area. In that gear menu, you'll find the engine settings. The one you're looking for is called "Threads"
Can someone from Lichess explain the Threads setting? I'm curious. And is a high value really something to be concerned about, as OP suggests?
@TotalNoob69 said in #2:
> Do you use Brave by any chance, @oofmagoof ?
I see what you are getting at.

@Frogster64 said in #4:
> Can someone from Lichess explain the Threads setting? I'm curious. And is a high value really something to be concerned about, as OP suggests?
Concerned is the wrong word. It is something that I'd like to be able to change. And, I should be able to change it.
> Concerned is the wrong word.

Right, I'm mostly curious what the setting does and if it makes a big difference.
Modern processors have more than one core. A core can execute a thread of instructions at the same time as other cores can execute their own threads. So if you increase the number of Threads up to the number of cores your CPU has, you can analyze more positions in a given time because all the cores in your processor are running analysis threads simultaneously. This lets Stockfish check many positions in parallel.

More threads is better but only up until the number of cores in your CPU. And if you want to save battery or run cooler on your phone, first decrease the search time to 4s, then decrease threads if it's still a problem. Best way to save battery is to turn analysis off.
Threads is the number of tasks that the analysis will try to do at once. Usually best is to have one less than the number that your processor supports, so that you have one spare thread to handle screen updates and mouse movements. ie. I have an 8 core/16 thread processor so I could set it to 15 and get good analysis speed without crippling the rest of my computer. But actually I set it to 12 because I sometimes do other stuff that needs more than 1 thread while I am waiting for an analysis to complete.
@TotalNoob69 said in #2:
> Do you use Brave by any chance, @oofmagoof ?
Is brave still the only browser that apparently doesn't support SF16? Do you know if there's any hope to have it working or if there are news of updates?

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