
Lichess is a propaganda platform

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pls. calm down and come up with something constructive, like, we could remove all flags everywhere. (and then countries and borders). ppl should be free to walk the earth and not separated into those toxic collectives.
@mortmann said in #2:
> pls. calm down and come up with something constructive, like, we could remove all flags everywhere. (and then countries and borders). ppl should be free to walk the earth and not separated into those toxic collectives.

Actually i ain't your lefti utopist.
@chessovolution said in #3:
> Actually i ain't your lefti utopist.

i didnt take you for one, but that was no lefti utopy anyway. how could it be? nationalism is bound to the concept of nations, and without nationalism, there is not much left and right anymore. also nowadays lefties are more concerned about that capitalism they blame everything on and about the difference between rich and poor in their own nation. 1/2 of the left community is more in support of their own nations poor members (there is a lot nationalism in this) than into globalist support for poorer nations elsewhere.
@chessovolution said in #1:
> The statement and the actions against the russian and white russians are lowest propaganda.
> There is about 8 years a civil war in ukraine and now you are showing a ukraine flag with a peace dove ? When weapons are delivered to prolong the war ?
> Are you serious about this ?
> Fuck off lichess. I will never hiss you flag again.

What has the civil war got to do with the Russian invasion of a sovereign nation for no good reason?

And you seem to be saying the free world should just stand by and watch a non-belligerent democracy get crushed by a murderous totalitarian state?
@bellywound said in #4:
> Well, Russians were born to lie. They've had to figure how to survive despots since Ivan The Terrible. Think about learned behavior as you tried to live through Stalin. Followed by 50 years of communist rule. Wow, no wonder you have a national inferiority complex. You've allowed yourselves to be subjugated by a ruing few. Good luck with your future.

i dont think you got the concept of nationality right. if i change my nationality into russian, will my history change into that of a life long liar?

this is also showing, why the idea, of banning or discrimination anyone because if a certain nationality in their passport makes no sense.
Oh, and that civil war was started by Russian-backed separatists trying on a military coup. In other words, Russia failed to ruin Ukraine by financing a revolution, so they said fuck it..we'll just invade them instead.
You made this same dumb post earlier.

Funny how the "8 years of civil war" you referenced earlier lines up exactly around the time of the Russian invasion of Crimea...

Russian meddling has destabilized the region and the only reason the "civil war" exists is due to corrupt Russian officials who want Ukraine to cease to exist, so they supply weapons to a radical extremist minority of separatists who don't represent the majority of Ukrainians.
Mortman, are you Russian? If you are, your future is not too bright.
@bellywound said in #10:
> Mortman, are you Russian? If you are, your future is not too bright.
so we agree, that the concept of nations / nationalities could severely handicap ppl?

could be russians do not have a bright future, but germans (my nationality) dont have a bright past, instead quite the opposite. "my" ancestors were probably nazis, "we" attacked kosovo, "we" export a hell of a lot of weapons every year and we dont stop to burn fossil fuels to help save the planet. so i must add that we all dont have a bright future either, until we work together, also with russia or we are all doomed by climate change.

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