
Lichess is a propaganda platform

@chessovolution said in #72:
> "We" you and your Mother ?
> Shes also in the music vid ?
> Selensky wanted so much NATO that he was attacking all the years in charge eastern ukraine.
> Despite claiming to do the opposite.
> Worship your gold jew. Make a new music vid with it. Proof yourself right with it.
> You and your free world.
> I will never exspect anything other from you.

Attacking what? Care to explain?

And whats with the name calling? I'm not Jewish if you must know. I also don't have alot of money lol. But How ironic that you call Ukrainians Nazi's. wow.
@Scheele said in #12:
> It is not a bunch of thugs who have seized power in Russia, but the Russian people, overwhelmingly, are vicious, cruel slaves.

thank you for this good example of disgusting hate speech.
you dont believe me? then pls. exchange russian people with jews, and see how it would sound.
@mortmann said in #74:
> ...disgusting hate speech.
The disgusting speech is a denial of the collective, direct and indirect responsibility of the Russian people for the invasion of Ukraine.
@bfchessguy #61
Quote: Dude Raketa was advertizing their Big-Zero models with what Gorby replied to journalists in an official visit to Italy, It was advertized so much that even watch collectors of CCCP and Rossia watches in North America know this thing.
Answer: Aha! .. so not all schoolchildren should know this, but only collectors of Soviet watches !? Believe me, there are not many collectors in Russia at all, because Russia is not a rich country; 20 percent of the population lives on three dollars a day.
@CooloutAC #65
Do you believe that Zelensky controls the neo-Nazis?! In my opinion, Zelensky performs the functions of a press service (Only the question arises: who does he serve!?)
In the video, the commander-in-chief is talking to one of the fighters of the volunteer battalion. (Who is raising whom?)
@CooloutAC said in #73:
> Attacking what? Care to explain?
> And whats with the name calling? I'm not Jewish if you must know. I also don't have alot of money lol. But How ironic that you call Ukrainians Nazi's. wow.

The eastern ukraine.
Care to read.
There is nothing ironic.
U linked a video from a jewish rapper.
Absolutely nothing ironic. Only in your fuckin head.

Actually, I don’t agree with what America wants me to see. I agree with what the people of Ukraine want me to see. This isn’t some debate about media bias or US imperialism etc, we are currently able to hear directly from the people of Ukraine and so I trust them.
@ujcn said in #79:
> @CooloutAC #65
> Do you believe that Zelensky controls the neo-Nazis?! In my opinion, Zelensky performs the functions of a press service (Only the question arises: who does he serve!?)
> In the video, the commander-in-chief is talking to one of the fighters of the volunteer battalion. (Who is raising whom?)

Let me ask you this. Why do all the Putin Sympathizers show racist and anti semetic views like Chessovolution? And why do most watchgroups around the world say anti semetism is on the rise in Russia more then it is in Ukraine? Same could be said about the USA and Europe. Ukraine seems to be the least Nazified compared to most of the world. We would never have a Jewish President imo in my country like Ukraine has, so claims they are a Nazi country are ludicrous to us.
@CooloutAC said in #82:
> Let me ask you this. Why do all the Putin Sympathizers show racist and anti semetic views like Chessovolution? And why do most watchgroups around the world say anti semetism is on the rise in Russia more then it is in Ukraine? Same could be said about the USA and Europe. Ukraine seems to be the least Nazified compared to most of the world. We would never have a Jewish President imo in my country like Ukraine has, so claims they are a Nazi country are ludicrous to us.

I never showed any rascism in this thread.
Only in your fuckin head
But i'm anti semitic this is true.
Isn't this you in your linked music vid.
Or just your narcistic self ?

There are a riseup in antisemitism cause of poeple like you
And this is very good.
@chessovolution said in #83:
> I never showed any rascism in this thread.
> Only in your fuckin head
> But i'm anti semitic this is true.
> Isn't this you in your linked music vid.
> Or just your narcistic self ?
> There are a riseup in antisemitism cause of poeple like you
> And this is very good.

NO that is not me in the music vid. and wow... this is the typical Putin Sympathizer. What does that tell everyone...

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