
Do you like snow?

Snow is all well and good in the right place, and at the right time, but yeah, i like it though.
Not so sure about that "Informer" guy though from the 1990s. lol :).
@WassimBerbar said in #3:
> It's softened hard water lol.

That can be made into a ball and sneakily lobbed at a random person for a laugh. ! lol :).
Pov - me seeing the snow first time

Me : Let's goo so this is how it feels like when we stand on it . Let's pick up and make snowball
*Me picking up the snow*
*Snow became water -_-*
Realisation I don't have gloves

*Went to bring the gloves*
*Came with gloves and sees...*
The Snow got MELT!!
-_- ;(
See children, this is why "snow" doesn't exist. Snow is water, and water is only snow when frozen. So don't disappoint yourself with those Christmas fantasies of yours. Santa lives in an ocean, not the Arctic since the Arctic is made of snow and therefore doesn't exist. And he only gives presents on July 25th, not December 25th.

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