
Season 10 - Third Level - Group E
Please direct message Game Results to @weBNimz0 To Keep Group Table UPDATED
(score 0-0 means Draw)
Please direct message Game Results to @weBNimz0 To Keep Group Table UPDATED
(The score 0-0 means Draw)
Ahead of the final three rounds of the 10th Correspondence League all starting on Sunday, here is your group table as it currently stands (with draws included).

A reminder – if two players finish on the same score, the following tiebreaks will apply in this order:

#1: Points vs. tied participants
#2: Match wins
#3: Sonnerborn-Berger score against group (not calculated in these league tables).

I’ve tried to include the various tiebreaks in the tables.

Group E (tier 3)
1. Damasio79 5.5/6
2. Squarehopper 4/6
3. putiferio61 3.5/6
4. JournoPete83 3/5 (superior head-to-head vs El_Bulto44)
5. El_Bulto44 3/6 (SHH vs MarcusBayern)
6. MarcusBayern 3/6
7. Schachwikinger 2.5/5
8. balinas 2/6
9. Rodilator 1.5/6
10. Shampanjasosialisti 1/6

Damasio79 has opened up a healthy lead at the top of the table, but still has to secure more points to mathematically confirm promotion. Squarehopper holds second place, but the chasing pack isn't far behind.

It is very tight at the bottom with no-one cut adrift and all still to play for.

Speaking personally, I can only say what a tight and competitive group this is - there are no easy games!

Best of luck to all competitors in your final three games!

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