
Does anyone know a fun aggressive opening to play against the Italian game as black?

@negative_infinity said in #3:
> You can try 2 Knights and see if your opponent plays Ng5, but it will still be slow game if he/she chooses to play d3 instead.

Against 4.d3 you can try h6 which looks like a slow move but with the idea of g5, g4 and d5 just like the super talent Daniil Dubov. It's a fun game!

For more info:
You've all been very helpful thank you. Sicilian has always seemed a big thing to learn, I probably should learn it tbf, is there as much to learn as its sounds? Traxler can be fun like a lot of the Ng5 lines, but only if they play it :). really helpful, thank you.
you can play the shilling gambit e4 e5 nf3 nc6 bc4 nd4 this is insta win line if white captures and this is pretty good at your level
u can even watch my games(in lichess you will find like 2500+ playing playing both sides but i play that gambit against 2000 max so you can watch my games and know how will others play like)
here are some links

and these games are 1 year old ( i was at your level 1 year ago)
After 1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 Bc4 Nd4 4 Nxd4 exd4 5 O-O Nf6, the machine seems to think that 6 Re1 is better than 6 c3.
After 1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 Bc4 Nd4 4 Nc3 Nf6, the machine seems to think that 5 Nxe5 is better than 5 Nxd4.
After Bc4, try the Nf6 line (two knights defense), and if white tries Ng5 (Fegatello attack) you have Bc5!?, the very interesting Traxler countergambit

This is the most agressive line in the italian for black that I remember now, black has many forced mate lines, some forced drawing lines and some crazy sacrifice lines like, in one of them black gives up 3 pieces and is 10 points in advantage!

Traxler countergambit, agressive, fun and risky!
Go for sicilian. I got fed up with e4e5 esp with black. Now I play sicilian exclusively. It will take some time to get hang of it . But games are almost never dull. Najdorf and dragon setups are fun. Just learn a few lines against Alpine and smith morra , you are good to go.
might be a good shout with the Sicilian, seems to be a fair few people recomending it :). I play the smith morra gambit against it, great fun to play :). thanks for the advice.

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