
Additonal 146 million US$ for Atomic Mode in fiscal year 2015

Spokespersons of GHQC5 and associates in US have confirmed today that since upcoming lichess website introduced Atomic Mode, people from Iran and the like posing as 'players' have increasingly logged into these dubious online activities and are sending cipher messages like e4 e6 d4 d5 Nc3 Bb4 e5 c5 5a3 Bxc3 in specialized and scarcely understood socalled hddp or httb codes to international agents.

In response to that, additonal 146 million US$ for fiscal year 2015 have been allotted to training college flunkies in analysing such alien threats, after they have been cleared for trusted agency work.

In response to that, additonal 146 million US$ for fiscal year 2015 have been allotted to training college flunkies in analysing such alien threats, after they have been cleared for trusted agency work.
It's a joke, right?
I didn't really laugh, either way.
Would have been funnier if his English was either much better so that it was intelligable enough to sound legitimate, or so bad that it could have appeared to be a translationg of something legitimate. Sadly, neither is the case. The English is just good wrong enough in places to tell it's his own. Next time try:

Russia Today Reports:

From new chess website of rising star name of lichess bring Atomic Chess, of hundred Iranian user cipher website with 'player' masquerade coding as e4 e6 d4 d5 Nc3 Bb4 e5 c5 5a3 Bxc3.

The reason is from United States additional spending of the 144 million USD for fiscal year in 2015 and allotment to the college training of response to alien threat after the clearance of agency of trust.
I found it amusing, though I think they should shift to the Sicilian instead of the Winawer. :)
Haha, it gave me a good giggle. You guys have no humour. :P

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