
I really need help with endgames

Is there any endgame guides that can help me with endgames? I've noticed that I almost always lose games in the endgame or late middlegame.
The positions in which you lost you can set it up in from position and play it with stockfish to practice and also solve endgame puzzles...
You had a 3-1 pawn majority on the queenside so why did you play move 43. b4?? a4 followed by b4 a5, b5, a6 ect leads to a forced win, Black king can’t protect g4 and prevent your queenside pawns from forcing a passed pawn to promote. This is doing some calculating to determine how to proceed on move 43 and not an example of lack of endgame knowledge to me.
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Don’t know how‘s the English equivalent but we say „candidate ahead“. So not b4 but rather a4 or c4 (the candidates for promotion).
On move 43 white creates two weak backward pawns ... just looking two moves ahead, then pushing b4 looks terrible ...
@A_0123456 43.b4?? Is horrible because 43.b5! Block your pawns and you can’t get a passed pawn. Better was a4 or c4 and then b4. This was significant. That was pretty much the end. Next time, spend more time on the endgame, don’t play moves in 4 seconds like you did on move 43. If you are scared of losing on time, try out 10+5 where flagging isn’t a thing really.
You can filter for endgame puzzles in the tactics trainer. In this game it seems like a one move tactical error lost more than a poor understanding of endgames in general. You just need to learn the patterns in pawn structures.

In this specific position you want to mobilize your queenside majority to force a passed pawn which will overload the black king. If the king goes to defend against the promotion you win the kingside pawns. 43. b4 is kind of the right idea strategically but really poor tactically.

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