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110 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - A mascot for lichess#5

We should just make modifications on the knight which is kind of doing that job already. For example we could transform it into an unicorn, so lichess could secretly stand for li(corne)chess (licorne …

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Lichess Feedback - Unable to move in the in-game analysis#2

Okay, I just noticed I had a script running in the background which I stopped and everything went back to normal.

Lichess Feedback - Unable to move in the in-game analysis#1

Since a few days, whenever I use the in-game analysis function (, I only can make one or two moves on the board, after which the pieces are stuck. Any ideas on how t…

Lichess Feedback - Can you help describe chess events?#6

I'd ne happy to help as well.

Lichess Feedback - More Classical Tournaments/Longer Games#2

I agree with your first idea, it would be really cool to have more classical tournaments. Whereas for the league idea, unfortunately there's not enough people interested in it, as you can see it in th…

General Chess Discussion - Bad positional choices : advices ?#3

Try to keep your pawns on adjacent files. Try to avoid having two or more pawns on the same file. Try to protect your pawns with other pawns. Try to rock. Try to have an empty back rank to connect you…

Off-Topic Discussion - Dogs or Cats?#3

Cats. I mean, they're noble animals, not like those stupid dogs. Just ask Walt Disney : in the Aristocats, the cats know how to paint, how to play piano, they have manners, etc., whereas in the 101 Da…

Lichess Feedback - Where is my mistake in Puzzle 55144#3

2. Qc4+ will be followed by Kxc4 as the pawn, "facing" the 8th rank, is not protecting the queen. The best move is to fork the king and the queen with 1. Na4, followed by 1. ... Kd4 2. Qxb2, after whi…

Lichess Feedback - lichess APP #2

Nope, you're not.
