
Search "user:Anna_Flower"

7 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Is this a good position? - Fianchetto help needed#9

@itz-aryan-gupta24 said in #6: > Playing this position with stockfish will be an amazing idea ................... hm , according to me , i guess that white has a material advantage , so white can easi…

General Chess Discussion - Is this a good position? - Fianchetto help needed#8

I tried it in some games today, and ... it is true, that it is not easy to reach this position.

General Chess Discussion - Is this a good position? - Fianchetto help needed#5

@Frogster64 said in #3: > I think you're better off showing us one of your games with fianchetto and asking us to comment on it. The position is fine, but you won't be able to achieve something like t…

General Chess Discussion - Is this a good position? - Fianchetto help needed#4

@JuicyChickenNO1 said in #2: > 1.- Knight on f6 and pawn on d6. The knight is in its best position and the pawn prevents the opponent from playing e4-e5, harassing the knight. > > 2.- Pawn on g6 and b…

General Chess Discussion - Is this a good position? - Fianchetto help needed#1

The opponents often try to destroy my fianchetto. Whaat can I do against it? Is this a good position?

General Chess Discussion - I need some help OTB chess psychology.#2

If you like, we can talk via personal messages about it. To contact you, is not possible, messages are blocked, so ... if interested, you write to me ... :))
