
Search "user:GirlPower"

7 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Blitzstream-Twitch up 400 in 5 minutes with no games. #5

Where do we see which rating is for what? Which one is from choosing opponent, which one is from pool?

Lichess Feedback - cosmetic changes to board#7

I agree, boo on the new changes

Lichess Feedback - Ping#1

Why is it that when not playing a game ping hangs around 128mms, but the moment a game starts it jumps to over 500? I have a 50mb/s connection, no firewall or programs running, yet I still seem to hav…

Lichess Feedback - No Premove Option#12

How nice.. so much for offering feedback on the "feedback" forum with those responses. Apparently you never played on a site without premove... and neither has anyone else who claims its pointless to …

Lichess Feedback - No Premove Option#5

Premove changes everything, especially when you know the player is using it often. If it was so infrequently used, why was the effort put into developing it to begin with? I think the games are much b…

Lichess Feedback - No Premove Option#3

Can you "premove" in person? Exactly... so have the option for a no premove game on here...make a little more realistic. Not saying take it away.. saying make it an option when creating a challenge.

Lichess Feedback - No Premove Option#1

It would be nice to see an option to create a challenge in which Premove is disabled. If the other person accepts the challenge, their premove setting will be set to disabled for that game.
