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10 forum posts
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Lichess Feedback - Please, check the clock#4

Personally, I liked the change. It is common in other chess sites.

General Chess Discussion - «Zurich Chess Challenge 2014» — The strongest tournament in chess history to date#2

Ah yes, I got an email from ICC. Carlsen will win. Everyone knows that :D

Lichess Feedback - No points for rated game#3 Lol wth he lost points for winning.

Lichess Feedback - No points for rated game#2 Same here. I'm quite angry since I won against a higher rated player.

General Chess Discussion - Rating on Lichess and rating in real life.#7

I'm 1880 USCF rated and around 2180 here. I think that it is around a 300+ point difference.

Lichess Feedback - How to login as administrator and mods in lichess?#2

No one can just log in as a administrator or mod..... lol.

General Chess Discussion - What openings do you cringe playing against?#9

@Leopardson Yes, e5 in response to e4 is technically the worst move black can play (other than f5) because White has so many choices of squares to play to. @mbvklc I play 4 knights myself, but only be…

Lichess Feedback - Premove why do I lose time?#4

I've noticed this too. It's quite annoying when you're beating a strong player higher rated than you and then you lose on time because of the lag/ping.
