
Search "user:Philmageo"

38 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Creating a game seeking section for very slow time control games#2

You could find some teams with WhatsApp or discord channels, I know some but they are for french speakers mostly has a WhatsApp channel. I'm sure some players s…

General Chess Discussion - How to evaluate my chess progress?#20

As an old low rated chess player, I have other goals I imagine than yours. By starting over 3 years ago I found out that I was not gifted for chess. At the age of 61 I can see a very little progressio…

General Chess Discussion - Let's chat about lichess puzzles vs. and share tactic practice resources.#5

Maybe I'm off-topic : I like the fact that that lichess puzzles are not stopwatch(ed) ! no preasure People around me used to tell me that puzzles were more interesting but after having playe…

Community Blog Discussions - New version of the My Lichess Homepage chrome extension#1

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Community Blog Discussions - Des nouveautés dans l'extension MyLichessHomePage#1

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Community Blog Discussions - Filtering Bots by ranking#2

J'ai inclus ce script et un autre dans mon extension "My Lichess Home Page" version 1.3 Je vous la présenterai sitôt qu'elle sera disponible sur le Chrome Store

Community Blog Discussions - Les possibilités de lichess pour jouer contre des bots#12

Un blocage c'est encore le plus simple

Community Blog Discussions - Les possibilités de lichess pour jouer contre des bots#10

@dboing said in #8: > The only that comes in my mind after have read your reply dear @dboing is : Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et…

Community Blog Discussions - Les possibilités de lichess pour jouer contre des bots#9

About : BOTs de 1300 à 1399 : I said it was agressive and not so easy. This time I played it with white, an italian that I won easily Don't let this cunning little…

Community Blog Discussions - Les possibilités de lichess pour jouer contre des bots#4

@pascalg Je n'avais pas vu ! Tu as déjà fait tout le travail ! C'est super je vais le mettre dans mes favoris
