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21 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Suggestion: Rotate daily tournament start times.#4

I suppose I was thinking about the variant tournaments mainly, which only occur once a day (I think?) and don't have hourly versions.

Lichess Feedback - Suggestion: Rotate daily tournament start times.#1

Right now daily tournaments always start at the same time. This doesn't allow for certain players to participate when they may be working or sleeping, etc. I suggest that the start times be rotated to…

Off-Topic Discussion - please stop whining like crybabies#2

In 1591 games I've only had problems with two players. One accused me of cheating and one was unsportsmanlike during the game (repeatedly offering draws when lost, running the clock down, etc.) Maybe …

Game analysis - Where is my mistake?#5

Stockfish was wrong. On the next move even it starts to change its mind as the evaluation jumps to +9.3. f6 is a mate in 9 according to another engine. c4 is only about +6 after a few minutes.

General Chess Discussion - How hard would it be to create a chess playing program?#3

You mean for someone with no programming experience? For an experienced programmer it should be very easy. Even writing a basic engine from scratch is not particularly hard, but a little time consumin…

Game analysis - White to play and win in 119 moves#6

That is false. This position is reachable, in fact. Black needs to be able to make ten pawn captures to reach this pawn structure, and white has just enough missing pieces. Other than that there's not…

Lichess Feedback - Rematch button malfunction#4

saksham describes by experience exactly using FF as well, although I've not tried other browsers. Sometimes this leads to my opponent aborting the game if I am too slow to join the long way, unfortuna…

General Chess Discussion - Puzzle 1508#3

2. Qe4+ Kd5 3. Qe5# is a common mating pattern. I would guess this is where a lot of fails come from. Also, the rating does not depend on the percentage of people who solve a problem, but acts the sam…

Lichess Feedback - Full on Blind Fold Chess experiance. #3

Being able to see the board is fairly helpful, so not really "blindfold," IMO. O-O vs. 0-0 doesn't seem like a big deal to someone basically familiar with algebraic notation. It's only a mistake you'd…

Lichess Feedback - Training Unforgiving#3

Right, I don't really mind losing the points. Getting a high score isn't the point of tactics training, after all ;) However, the effect on ratings of problems is more meaningful. I suspect that quite…
