
Search "user:mrbumba1287"

109 forum posts
Community Blog Discussions - Breaking The Silence Online#140

i dont think many people understand how common this is. I was a bit skeptical when people said how much it happened to them too tbh but after some of the things ive seen people say/ do online recently…

General Chess Discussion - Ask Lichess Anything#4

Could there be a by game rating chart aswell to track what times we play better at and an all time leaderboard to show the best players ever in each mode? Great idea to have this btw :)

General Chess Discussion - How much have you improved on Lichess in your time here?#49

What you're saying here is different from your original comment, but this is much more reasonable and we'll done for writing all of that

General Chess Discussion - How much have you improved on Lichess in your time here?#46

Turned 14 last week

General Chess Discussion - How much have you improved on Lichess in your time here?#43

@Hitsugaya said in #42: > The 1250 is a lichess or OTB rating? > > If's it's a lichess one it's very impressive. It's lichess, because I was just basing it off my rating profile The 2270 is also liche…

General Chess Discussion - How much have you improved on Lichess in your time here?#38

@beetlejuuc At least most people don't blame it on the game mechanics and instead blame it on their own chess skills (or lack of them). Are you accusing 'a large majority' of cheating just because you…

Community Blog Discussions - Raise Your Rating by Cutting Your Losses#3

This is actually pretty smart

General Chess Discussion - How much have you improved on Lichess in your time here?#32

Tbh I think I have improved more than most people on the site in the time I've been on lichess. When I started I wasn't a complete beginner (around 1250), but I've improved more than 1000 points in th…

Off-Topic Discussion - whos your favourit mathematican?#50

That's easy... Me.

Off-Topic Discussion - Favorite Type of Cuisine?#14

@LittleJennyWren said in #9: > I like licheese cuisine, I dont like cheese
