
Search "user:nwh2"

5 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - lichess#1

Ok, lichess is by far the worst site to play bullet/blitz chess on. I am done with actually playing chess on this site. Lichess is also by far the best site for analyzing games and everything else bes…

Lichess Feedback - underpromotion#1

There needs to be an option to 'not automatically promote to queen when playing crazyhouse." That is pretty much the only game I ever underpromote in. Just lost because I thought I could underpromote …

Lichess Feedback - Lag#1

How do I set it up so I do not play time cheaters? Bullet against players with high lag is unplayable on this site. I also can't abort games with high lag players do to this sites rules. Every player …

Lichess Feedback - How do I go back to lichess v1? #7

I also timed a game (1+0) that ended after almost 3 minutes and I still had 19 seconds on my clock. There is a lot of lag built in. It almost seems like playing 1+0 with a 1 second delay before the cl…

Lichess Feedback - How do I go back to lichess v1? #6

I think he is saying that the timing is much different in v2. At least the audio is... I usually will judge time I have left by hearing the speed of the moves and don't look at the clock. It is someth…
