
Introducing my first personal chess blog!

OpeningEndgameStrategyChess PersonalitiesChess
A chess blog for everyone interested in chess strategy, history and philosophy.

Monthly Blog #1

"The blunders are all there on the board, waiting to be made." - Savielly Tartakower

Hello together,

my name is Sean and I am a very motivated adult improver. I have been playing chess for a couple of years, albeit never really competitive in club level tournaments. However, I have been keeping up by playing online and one or the other unofficial club match. Recently I have been studying a lot of themes, concepts and areas in chess in order to improve my chess skills.

I play chess not only because I enjoy it, but also to share acquired knowledge and discuss chess. I have therefore decided to organize a monthly (maybe weekly) blog, where I share my latest insights, difficulties and experiences around the topic of chess. I will not concentrate on one fixed area but cover several topics like amateur opening schemes I am working on, personal book reviews, endgame studies or even the treatment of famous chess tournaments and chess history. For the next weeks and months I have planned the following topics:

  • The Karlsbad Structure
  • Amateur vs Kings Indian Defense (Part 1-3)
  • Dominate your opponent in the endgame
  • What to consider when exchanging pieces
  • The curious case of Hans Berliner

My goal is not only to deepen the acquired knowledge by processing the material into a blog but also to share insights, ideas and thoughts that will hopefully inspire instructive discussions in one or the other amateur or adult improver.
I also plan to create an Instagram account where I will report on more entertaining topics like tactics, endgame studies, historical facts and much more. If you are interested you can follow the account under hellsbishops and expect the first posts in the near future.
It's still a work in progress but I'm looking forward to sharing my first posts with you soon.

See you soon!