
Racism in chess

Why does chess always have to pit blacks against whites??
It is not racist because the color schemes( black and white) were established long white supremacy and all that were established. The colors were established long before and now we just continue with the tradition.
Fundamental way of viewing the world.... without the illusion of separation we would be God.
Skin of people is not "white" or "black". It's actually more beige and brown. And these colors have a lot of gradations. But there are no humans who are absolutely black or absolutely white. So, the comparison with these two colors is only conditional. Therefore, we must understand that this prejudice about colors was born in people's heads, but didn't come from reality, so has no allusion or reference in it, based on any particular situation. So, any use of white and black colors cannot be interpreted amiss by people, who can think and put this thought in their mind (meaning that the believing in this thought only can come with an understanding of it, so it requires an intellectual ability).
Some sets have black and red. I don't know; pitting them against each other like that.
Forget about racism. SEXISM is where it's at. Why the hell do we need the WGM title?! Put it all into one system. You're a GM or not. Period. I think women would like to be treated with equal importance.
There are totally black skinned people and totally white skinned people (albinos). But they are rare exceptions. One silly point that I think of is when white goes 1st, I compare it to the British imperialists of history. But the aggressors could just as well be Mongols or Persians or Romans or.... They send a scout to test a cities defenses then increase pressure to overwhelm a little country. Keep doing this until you have built an empire.
I TD scholastic tournaments. Often there are color combinations that can get confusing. Hence we fall back to the definition of black and white for several functional details. Imagine bright pink vs lavender pieces or olive green vs lime green. Also silver and gold-ish plastic pieces where gold-ish starts on ranks 1 and 2.
Note wooden pieces are more often human-like in their colorings but we call them black and white.

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