
0 points for a draw???

That he got two points, is correct, because he was on winning streak before, but I can´t say you, why you got nothing.

I´m really interested in the answer, LICHESS.
A draw streak was recently introduced, which means now the second consecutive draw gives 0 points (lost games do not break the draw streak.) There is an exception for draws with more than 40 moves.

It was added to prevent this kind of situation to happen: (see the 2nd place)
Sorry, but this is against all chess rules we know, and it is not acceptable. Especially for younger players, who are happy about draws in their first tournaments.

Please ban the draw streak!
Definitely yoy have to find another way to prevent the mentioned behaviour, but this punishing of well earned draws is more unsportsmanlike than the problem itself.
Then it is rather strange improvement to the points system. I drew first game exactly in 40 moves, then lost 1 game, then drew again in 18 moves and I've violated the rules! BTW, was new 'draw streak' rules described in FAQ or other places?
#8 Not yet, but’ll be added to the tournament FAQ soon.

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