
please rollback the rating range change!

Someone already wrote a thread asking the developers to explain all the substantial changes, but the only change I really care about is the dumb change to the rating range.

This literally makes it more like and it is WHY I HATE PLAYING ON CHESS.COM! forces you to play people +/- 400 points MAX, not only that BUT I do not like how we are forced to stick to our own rating range.

If I could switch the rating range to +150-300 higher than me, then I would be satisfied. I ABSOLUTELY HATE playing people that are the same level as me.

Why did this have to be changed!? In other words, please roll back!!
If you can get people to stop boosting and sandbagging maybe the sandbox will come back. Humanity, I expect is harder to fix than impede.
have played 25,000 + games on I have reached there 2000 level, but after that my rating stopped increasing because I cannot choose to play higher opponent players. Then I switched to lichess my ranking increased up to 2150 here, I felt like I am improving because I started to play stronger opponents, although I had lost majority of games, but still I liked it.

This was only reason I decided to switch to lichess rather than playing on
I guess its time to get back to cause more players are there and more features available.

So everyone go back to, lichess has just become its fake copy. This rating range selection was the only advantage of lichess over

more features available is amusing. Playing one game is a rating win on lichess they use different rating systems. You're not 150 points better a player because you played higher rated people. you are bcaue the rating systems measure different. your chess didn;t get worse be cause the site changed it's seek range.
Make friends with the higher rated people you play and play friends
I do not understand the problem. Why would I want to play against an opponent 500 above my rating?

But still, I read some complaints. I know that always the first reaction on changes is how awful they are, just because one is not accustomed to it. Still, if things change it is at least bewildering for many users, and I agree with many people who have been complaining recently: An announcement why that change had been done would be very nice. Still no help against some rage, I know - but it makes coping easier.
I think it has been like this for quite some times. But the front-end was not showing it at all.
If I am not wrong, it was added to prevent sandbagging and rating manipulation or something like that ...
@Sybotes In one of the threads protesting against this change one user shared his story: he placed his challenge in the lobby and it was picked up by an elite GM. It was the greatest chess experience of this guy's chesslife. Now it would be impossible. Why? Without any rationale. Someone simply decided that he will strip us of such experiences because he can, full stop. Outraging, isn't it? The second problem is that now you cannot set the rating range only above your rating (if you want to learn from stronger players) or only below (if you want to practise consistency against weaker players). The third problem is that the strongest players in rare variants will virtually never find someone rated less than 500 points away from them in the lobby. I hope that now you do understand the whole family of problems. And downplaying sound arguments as "still no help against some rage" without countering them... makes quite an awful expression, doesn't it?

@CarvedBoat No, it wasn't like it before, unless you are able to prove it by code diffs on Github. Stop spreading this fallacy of preventing rating manipulation; if the rating system is mathematically sound, your rating will reflect your abilities regardless whether you play predominantly weaker or stronger players.
@Otienimous , I am not spreading any wrong.
I read here, in this forum, written by one of the mods long time ago. You go search for it first, if you have time.
If I remember correctly people used to stay on leader board by playing very low rated players. Therefore the implemented such a thing. I guess it was even +/- 400.
But as I started my sentence: "´if I am not wrong.." I am not sure it.

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