
Niemann lawsuit dismissed. Help me understand. Does the dismissal mean the beads were real?

@Raspberry_yoghurt said in #11:
> I never understood how Niemann was supposed to have cheated.

Well not sure that judge needed such details given this:

> In his lawsuit, Niemann had stated that Carlsen, Nakamura,, Play Magnus Group, and Rensch had been "egregiously defaming him and unlawfully colluding to blacklist him from the profession to which he has dedicated his life," and that the whole situation has caused "devastating damages." Over the past eight months, the lawsuit was amended twice, but Niemann failed to convince the judge to move to a jury trial.
@bfchessguy said in #12:
> Well not sure that judge needed such details given this:

Yeah I mean, no wonder he lost that suit, but I'm just curious about how Carlsen thinks he cheated. Seems hard to me if he's sitting right in front of Carlsen.

Like somebody in the audience coughing in morse code or something?
@Raspberry_yoghurt said in #13:
> Yeah I mean, no wonder he lost that suit, but I'm just curious about how Carlsen thinks he cheated. Seems hard to me if he's sitting right in front of Carlsen.
> Like somebody in the audience coughing in morse code or something?

Many people said it was something that could be remote controlled and vibrating and hidden internally, but I don't know maybe the ones speculating were projecting what they wanted onto him. Anyway they wanded his areas with sensors at so many subsequent irl matches and they never beeped on anything untoward and he kept playing at about 2700 FIDE so his bead technology is too advanced for our sensors. It's probably nonferrous and not use transistor technology so it bypasses the wands, personally I think it's advanced remote technologies from the Grusch technology cache they are analyzing from the illegal UFO retrieval programs.
@chessfan124 said in #14:
> Many people said it was something that could be remote controlled and vibrating and hidden internally, but I don't know maybe the ones speculating were projecting what they wanted onto him. Anyway they wanded his areas with sensors at so many subsequent irl matches and they never beeped on anything untoward and he kept playing at about 2700 FIDE so his bead technology is too advanced for our sensors. It's probably nonferrous and not use transistor technology so it bypasses the wands, personally I think it's advanced remote technologies from the Grusch technology cache they are analyzing from the illegal UFO retrieval programs.

They could do a total MR-scan of his body before a game to check for deviced. It should show the device, unless he is using nanobots.
Hans should try to clear his name...and in the meantime maybe by start apologizing...or promoting fair chess play
@hisokaxhunter said in #16:
> Hans should try to clear his name...and in the meantime maybe by start apologizing...or promoting fair chess play

lol you think there are things he can say that will improve his case when he has admitted to cheating at online chess? There is literally zero chance of it helping, you can't un-cancel yourself on the internet except maybe like Elon Musk by purchasing a large chunk of the internet for forty billion dollars.
@chessfan124 said in #17:
> [...] you can't un-cancel yourself on the internet except maybe like Elon Musk by purchasing a large chunk of the internet for forty billion dollars.

And suddenly, that $500 million lawsuit makes a bit more sense

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