
PGN to video

@Tamyrys said in #10:
> I would like to automate this process.
Cool cool, you should totally try to automate the process!

The two approaches I can think of are:
1. write a specialized application which can perform the task, or
2. write some "glue" to combine the use of existing applications in order to perform the task

Maybe you can search the web to find out if someone has already tried out approach 1,
and shared their application somewhere.
I suspect that trying out approach 2 would be very cumbersome,
and tricky to ask someone else to do it since people have access to different set of tools.

For instance, here's an example of a "bucket of glue",
which uses firefox to access the Lichess web site, python script to trigger the Lichess replay, and wf-recorder I mentioned before to record the desired part of the screen with audio, coordinated by a bash script. It has many limitations, but highlights the idea of combining existing applications in order to get the desired result (or an approximation thereof) -

Chess on!

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