
*Would You Consider To Run For Parliament To Make The World A Better Place?

Parliaments for the Planet!

Climate action begins at home.

Parliaments and those who work in them can take concrete steps to reduce their carbon footprint, both as institutions and individuals.

By adopting greener policies and embracing a culture of sustainability, parliaments and parliamentarians can help address the climate crisis and pave the way for stronger climate action.

Climate change is killing people and destroying lives, development, peace and security all over the world.

The IPU helps parliaments make progress on the Paris Agreement as well as other climate treaties, accelerate decarbonization and reduce the carbon footprint within parliaments themselves through its research, tools and meetings.

As a first step, they can decarbonize their place of work by putting in place the IPU’s 10 actions for greener parliaments (and those who work in them).


The International Day of Parliamentarism is celebrated every year on 30 June, the date in 1889 on which the IPU was founded.

The Day was established in 2018 through a United Nations General Assembly Resolution.

Instituting an international day for parliaments is particularly important at this critical time for parliamentary democracy, when people are losing trust in political institutions and democracy itself is facing challenges from populist and nationalist movements.

If democracy is to thrive, then parliaments, as the cornerstone of functioning democracies, need to be strong, transparent, accountable and representative.

The International Day of Parliamentarism is a time to review the progress that parliaments have made in achieving some key goals to be more representative and move with the times, including carrying out self-assessments, working to include more women and young MPs, and adapting to new technologies.

The United Nations General Assembly, in its resolution A/RES/72/278, recognized the role of parliaments in national plans and strategies and in ensuring greater transparency and accountability at national and global levels.

134 years in 134 seconds.

The international Day of Parliamentarism is also the anniversary of the Inter-Parliamentary Union.

How did the IPU grow from a handful of parliamentarians from 9 countries who met for the first time on 30 June 1889 to become the global organization of parliaments?

Discover the IPU's 134-year history in 134 seconds.



Would You Consider To Run For Parliament To Make The World A Better Place?

Let's Save Our Planet!

@Black-Swan-22 said in #1:

> Would You Consider To Run For Parliament To Make The World A Better Place?

My dear friends, I am politician who love chess so much in my heart. I want to have chess in schools, as very important class. We teach kids how to think smart, plan good, and make moves like in chess game. Chess teach them skills for life, like fair play and patience, they as precious as gold.

In our communities, we need chess clubs and tournaments for all people, no matter what age. We have local competitions, where neighbors and friends fight in friendly mind battles. And we not forget to celebrate national champions, with big tournaments for honor and glory.

Chess, my friends, is not only game. It is therapy for troubled soul. In mental health centers, rehab, even prison, let us use power of chess. It can fix mind, make thinking better, and bring peace to those who need it.

We have to be friends with digital world and push online chess platforms. All people, no matter poor or rich, should have access to virtual chessboard. And we not forget about those who struggle, we make sure they can enjoy and get benefit from game.

In cities and parks, my friends, chess tables should be there. People can meet there, play and talk with each other. This make people happy, make the mind better, and create space for human togetherness.

We have to build special chess centers in our places. People who love game can come there, get training, and enjoy chess. In centers, we have training programs, workshops, and show for talent. We protect chess culture and make strong chess community.

And at the end, my dear friends, chess can be peace bridge between cultures. Chess matches between countries can make friends and understanding. Chess is language for all, can bring peace and work together as one.

In sum-up, my dear friends, we bring chess beauty to schools, communities, and hearts. By these plans, we make youth strong, communities together, and respect each other. Together, we make chess love stay forever.

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