
Is "smurfing" unranked bad sportsmanship?


You talk a lot about bad behaviour and morality for someone that has an account that has "violated the Lichess Terms of Service".

In any case, I can't see much reason to play casual games other than playing unfairly rated matches, having games with friends or to test openings without wrecking your own rating. My point stands, rated games exist by definition to match up players with close skills together, if Lichess created a way to prevent huge rating inequalities with casual games, it might as well just get rid of casual games altogether.

If there were smurfs all over the place in rated games, then we would have a real problem for lichess to deal with. Smurfs in casual games isn't a problem, yet alone is it imoral, it is designed to allow that.

Also you're right, it is your right to complain about it, I just think you're wrong, and I sincerely hope the developpers don't waste their time trying to fix this. Even if they wanted to and banned players with >95% winrates >100 games and no rated games, anyone with half a brain can just create a new account in a couple minutes and go right back to playing casual games as a smurf. Therefore your non existing problem has no solution.

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