
So many cowards...

What about an additional that clock that doesn't let you take more than 2 minutes per move in order to avoid anons leaving the tab open and leaving?
It would be specially frustrating if the opponent left in unlimited time games
2 min...impossible. When I play 20 min games, I sometimes take more than 5 min for a move (I don't speak about 2 hours games, where I can spend 20-30 min for one move). If you don't want to wait, play
10 min or less games.
Concerning the leavers, we can't do anything about it. So if you are afraid of it, don't play against anonymous, and don't play unlimited time games. Then, if someone leaves the game, you just have to
do something else or begin a new game, and wait for the end of the clock.
On a similar topic, I recently played a game with a guy and I had him trapped - there was no way I wasn't going to win. I had under 1 minute left and he had 8 minutes. So what does he do? Waits 5
minutes before making his hopeless move, hoping that I wasn't paying attention.

There's nothing to be done, obviously. It's just funny. I guess lichess ELO rankings mean a lot to some people.
12345 , another idiot. he obviously lost and doesnt want a resignation so instead he just lets the time run for 5 minutes

^^ above game ^^ ... black's 24th move was hawt
i know it doesnt have to deal with the subject but white missed the checkmate by 27.Qg4+ Kh7 28.Qxg7 mate
Lol yeah karifa1. And 12345 is a pathetic loser that just lets his time run out instead of resigning.

On another note, I'm ok with people resigning after they lost a piece, but it's frustrating when they resign just because they lose a pawn although I don't meet people like that very often.

And if your game is really hopeless, please... just resign... and end my pain...

Sometimes when I'm really pissed I trap their king in a corner/edge and proceed to queen all my remaining pawns and rape the king. They usually resign when they see me advancing all my pawns. Makes me
feel a little satisfied inside.
i am currently stuck with *nannah1*, in an unlimited time game. i just forked his king and queen, won the queen and the guy decides not to move any more.

there's no time control and there's no way of making him move. i tried to chat with the guy, but nothing.

i can lose my points, but it really would be annoying: i won the game!

these guys should have their self esteem worked out by professionals.
please guys, boycott nannah1. it's just pointless to keep on playing with people that are so worth less.

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