
My Chessable Course Is Out!

@boilingFrog said in #7:
> Opening Repertoire has so little to do with computation and so much to do with Style that a 'std repertoire' for the general masses seems a little fiddy-fiddy to me ... please correct me if I am wrong ...

computation, as CPU can emulate GPU slowly. is it still computation, when the idea can be store in an instantaneously known matrix of coefficients. what is computation.. And our preferences and styles in our brain? Is that not computation? of a different king. This is not just stretching words. We have hemispheres. They used to be caricatured as the analytical brain versus the artistic brain. as if there was no art to analysis and vice-versa. I think later the scaffold became, the global analysis brain versus the local analysis one. global for enveloppe and local for precise. or zoom in. professional anything would end up using both to become expert at anything.

some engine approach very recent is based on the statistical side of brain generic layered architecture in the visual cortex. Where does sensory computing and global analysis talk to each other i do not know. but that is the kind of computation the blog source paper was inspired from was about.

even if the engine does have a programmed (and or trained) bias from its pockets of mistakes or has a whole subspace of ignorance like other engine might have due to their founding assumptions (working hypothesis for a while now, anyone to debate that?):
the blog is using such experimental statistical grinding of many games with a flexible enough math. models to embedded what those game might tell (statistically, as a cloud of games, trying different words to transmit meaning, which might not have words yet in audience, i might be trying to reach).
even if wrong:
it is to suggest hypothesis.. what is in Nf3 as first move? does it commit the other plans away, anyway? does a first move really matter as much as all the future decisions.. why do repertoires cling to genealogy so much..
even if wrong the engine:
if the human can find arguments, we won't need the engine anymore.
not interested in this course. came to hear nate solon's thoughts on full-field scoobers. disappointed!
Very disappointed to see a front-page blog used for an advertisement.
@RadRuss said in #15:
> Very disappointed to see a front-page blog used for an advertisement.

I do have the same sentiment, mostly about the title, as the blog itself is more about the chess content, as I could read.

I also prefer that the advertising intent should be sober and rely on the quality of the blog content itself as incentive to follow the sober outlink. But, that is just a taste. In some sense it was lichess spirit to free us from attention grabbing bombardment of other places on the internet. In many places of lichess, compromises have been made with social media thingies.

Advertisement has always draped itself under the guise of information dissemination. One might think that at least here it is not off topic. I have not made a solid conviction of opinion about this. Thanks for bringing it up. This blog author is not one that has been heavy in that direction, but for this surprising title. A test? A title device we might forgive? (i am biased because I like the refreshing points of view brought for in many of that authors blogs as seen on lichess).
A titled player does advertising in forum and mods have gone to vacation! Clearly a case of partiality.
Very cool, interesting reference to the DeepMind paper.
Question: First, great analysis of the data at hand. I'm surprised more people don't analyze the enormous amount of data there exists on chess.

Second, Since this is like a reverse Pirc I wonder if you can use a strategy like a Reverse Austrian Attack against this. But maybe with a less aggressive d6 instead of d4 to compensate for White's extra tempo.

This gives a sort of reverse Grand Prix.