
Post Your Highest Rated Wins Here :) (Contd.)

Interesting. It’s clear that sometimes non-titled players (with lower ratings) can beat titled players.
My highest win ever (blitz)

Hope you enjoy, it was a crazy game lol

My highest bullet win with berserk:

A nice turnaround saved me
Lichess Classical, 1962 (224 points. I'm due!)

Lichess bullet, 1886 (384 points)

lichess rapid, 2077 (430 points)

ICC blitz, 1848 (elderly IM and 629 point upset into opponent tourney ragequit!)

Lichess blitz, 2281 (675 points upset!)

Antichess, 2239 (a 785-point upset!!)

Also, in simul, I had a 1223-point upset over a 2372 FM on iCC:

and followed that up with a draw against the same opponent in a simul two weeks later:

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