
Should I resign in a losing position, or just play it?

@SKATEITALL2009 said in #1:
> Some people are saying that not resigning when you are losing very bad is impolite. I tend to just play it because there still is a chance that my opponent might make a blunder and I can win.

Don't resign.
Even if you are down material this things happens:

1. Your opponent can blunder
2. You actually learn to play better, by having to defend and trying to find some counterplay. You have to "take out the rabbit from the top hat" to win or draw and this make your brain work.

There are a lot of beetches nowadays that always moan about their oppo not resigning, but that's just their ego.
@SKATEITALL2009 said in #5:
> I'm a 1700 and im going to be playing in a FIDE tournament soon. Can you explain resignation etiquette.
Most common way and preferred is to say "I resign" and offer to shake hands". Second most common if talking it too tedious look disappointed stop the clock and offer handshake (stopping the clock is only allowed to call arbiter of if game is over)

Saying that resign is obviously the preferred option.

Do not tip over you king. Only kids do that - at least in Europe. Tipping the king is not resignation as it can be seen as merely causing disarrangement on the board which you should fix while your clock is running.

As OP when to resign. When there is absolutely no chance opponent blundering or stalemate trap. Or when you no longer wish to chase the ghost. Playing to the mate is also fine if you like it. I don't as I rather use that for something else.
@SKATEITALL2009 said in #1:
> Some people are saying that not resigning when you are losing very bad is impolite. I tend to just play it because there still is a chance that my opponent might make a blunder and I can win.
In my opinion, I also agree with you. There is a chance that the opponent run out of time because of some net issue or like that. It is not at all impolite to not resign. Anyways.. even though I am saying this, I tend to resign when my queen dies. It is automatic, my fingers automatically click on the white flag when whatever happens.

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