
unusual checkmates

promoting to a knight in karifa's game is probably still faster

when promoting to a queen, the immediate mate threat on g1 can be prevented with Qf1, Kf4, etc.

still wins easily of course
This took me a long time to find lol, and it's not forced (just a possible queen sac if white doesn't see the checkmate) but here it is:

22. Qg2 d2
23. Qxc3 Bd3+
24. Re2 d1=Q #

if white doesn't take on on c3 (23. Qxc3) and instead Bxd2, then:

23. Bxd2 Bd3+
24. Re2 Qxg2+
25. Kxg2 Bxe2

winning white's rook. So, it's a win-win situation for black. I think that's the best, there may be one better
actuallly ^^ that wouldn't be (an immediate) checkmate looking at it again, however it puts black in an awfully nice position! :D
in your first analysis, after 24... d1=Q white king can go on g2 square

in your second analysis better is :

23 Bxd2 Bd3+
24.Re2 Bxe2+

and now if :

25. Qxd2 Qh1+ mate
25. Kxe2 (or Ke1) Qxg2 (winning the queen and threatening Re8+

there is a checkmate in the first analysis. I will let you find it.
checkmate with pawn!

i'm actually quite proud of it, after losing a rook to a knight - i'm so poor i always get that against the sicilian - i also sacrificed a full knight to get his king out in the bushes...

the topping on the cake is the mate with pawn on f7.
well it's not really an unusual one but is still a pretty rook sacrifice checkmate

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