
Search "user:Asius"

81 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Board in 3d?#2

There was a good 3D board made in JavaScript that i saw a while ago, i don't remember if it was this one: . I can't see it right now. I agree that i…

General Chess Discussion - 7-piece Syzygy tablebases are complete#43

This is great!, go Lichess, go!

General Chess Discussion - Ignorancia de los encargados#3

No, el sistema es automático. Y tu oponente ganó 245 puntos porque su rating era provisorio (los usuarios que tienen rating provisorio tienen '?' al lado del rating). Podés averiguar más del sistema d…

General Chess Discussion - VALEN VERGA#3

Te banean?, a qué te referís?, porque según veo en tu perfil, tu cuenta está normal

General Chess Discussion - "Stealth" cheaters?#27

@lovlas Again, i've never claimed that and i said i don't bother to report cheaters anymore, also explaining my reasons. Maybe was my way of expressing myself, as english is not my first language, but…

General Chess Discussion - "Stealth" cheaters?#19

@lovlas So, you say i'm lying?, it wasn't 3 times then?, how many?, 4?. Again, make it public, i don't have any problem with that, i wan't to know. But im pretty sure i reported 3 or 4 times. Whatever…

General Chess Discussion - "Stealth" cheaters?#16

Read the post again, and you will understand the spirit, i think you are prejudging

General Chess Discussion - "Stealth" cheaters?#14

@lovlas wow, you are rude, i never claimed to do that, i just asked what people thought about something specific, nothing more, buddy. And i think i just reported 3 times, months ago, you can verify t…

General Chess Discussion - "Stealth" cheaters?#6

@TricksOnlyNL is that on classical, blitz or bullet?. I was refering to classical games, where i think that is a lot more improbable, but of course possible. @ijh yes, perfect games are obviously susp…

General Chess Discussion - "Stealth" cheaters?#1

I've seeing lately a lot of players that doesn't get detected by the current system as cheaters, but looking at their history i would say that you can guess they cheated several times. For example, th…
