
Search "user:JohnStuckey"

34 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - How To Reach 2000 VOL.2#52

@achja thats hilarious. btw if he had built REAL bullet skills he would look for all checks and tricks when he knew he had m1 and the opp was thinking ;)

General Chess Discussion - How To Reach 2000 VOL.2#50

@achja lmao well i would say he doesnt have very good premoving or bullet skill ;) thats really funny what ended up happening? did he flag

General Chess Discussion - How To Reach 2000 VOL.2#47

Haha ill reiterate the cherry picking examples doesnt prove bullet is not good for development. was smashing majority of the game then we were scrambling ;)

General Chess Discussion - How To Reach 2000 VOL.2#45

I think its necessary for development too. Building bad habits is a fault of the player not something intrinsic to bullet. You need to learn how to enter the highly volatile and high volume bullet env…

General Chess Discussion - How To Reach 2000 VOL.2#43

I agree with @Craze you shouldnt worry about optimizing rating. Also your goal was far from impossible, though honestly its quite arbitrary. Its irrelevant to focus so much on rating and could lead to…

Crazyhouse World Championship - 1+0 CWC#186

johnstuckey-stoofbuzze 11-6

Crazyhouse World Championship - 1+0 CWC#62

I'm in. looks sweet thanks plotkin for setting this up

General Chess Discussion - Attaining IM difficulty, can any titled players explain, please?#22

i was assuming its just a thought experiment. can he/she get to IM strength in 3 months. not literally be an IM thats basically impossible

General Chess Discussion - Attaining IM difficulty, can any titled players explain, please?#15

Obviously the gaps are non linear as you get higher in rating. this means the difficulty goes up but does not mean the time has to go up. though obv usually will. as you get better you compound your l…

General Chess Discussion - Attaining IM difficulty, can any titled players explain, please?#14

I agree with lovlas. I would sidebet someone sharp could go from 2000 to IM with <10% opening work. Even though at this point magnus knows a bunch of opening prep bc of all the matches he plays, overa…
