
Search "user:GiulioCremonese"

50 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - lichess puzzles by opening#3

Yes, I know that Sicilian ha more games. BUT I mean that siclian (and French and Caro Kann) has much more tactics IN PERCENTAGE ON ALL GAMES than Danish Gambit Accepted. i.E Danish gambit accepted has…

Lichess Feedback - lichess puzzles by opening#1

Hi, first I think that this feature (puzzles ordered by opening) is FANTASTIC as all Lichess feature. Therefore I ask a question (to Lichess admin or to everybody can explane it). I noted that certain…

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Lichess Feedback - Keizer tournaments#4

Yes! Internet is not only Blitz and Bullet chess. But for Slow chess we need easy way to play it. Keizer is perfect!

Lichess Feedback - Keizer tournaments#2

A great idea! I play it and enjoy a lot.

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Lichess Feedback - Stockfish Level 7 : 2300 is TOO HIGH#1

As for me 2300 for Stockfish level 7 is a rating TOO HIGH. Stockfish level 7 is max 1800/1900 Classical. I am 1780 Calssicaleand I win easly. IT deceives weak players!

General Chess Discussion - Insert moves in a game into a Study#1

Hi, I played a game from a certain position and set it into a study. Now I want to insert the moves made before the position to get full game (form move 1). How can I do it?

General Chess Discussion - How rare are GMs?#16

Hi, Are there anyone to play at thematic tourney about London System? now I Cann't put here a link. I will send it as message

London System Club of Lichess - Thematic Tournament#2

Join the tourney! 2+10 Non rated
