
Search "user:Layu"

8 forum posts
Community Blog Discussions - We don't want all the features#46

@Mann-ohne-Namen But mass data does not automatically imply mass lines of code. With or without ‚AI‘ involved. What the hell. @mango-in-my-teeth As far as I know, the mobile app is a partly independen…

Community Blog Discussions - We don't want all the features#39

@Mann-ohne-Namen But Thibault IS top management. (Not to mention that it’s silly to think that top management always knows better than the guys actually working with the code...) I did not understand …

Game analysis - Why is this not a draw?#19

@frankapalooza Checkmate is NOT impossible (exactly 0% chance), just improbable (only around 0%). And to repeat: The timeout rule demands possibility of a mate (any possibility, no matter how dumb the…

Game analysis - Why is this not a draw?#17

@frankapalooza The correct answer to this has already been given in #2. 59. Bb4 Kh7 60. Kf6 (Kxf7 = autodraw) Bg8 61. Bc3 Kh8 62. Kg6#

Game analysis - Why is this not a draw?#14

@frankapalooza With regards to timeouts (and automatic draws), it does not matter whether the position is winnING. All that matters is that it is winnABLE. KB vs KB with opposite colored bishops is wi…

General Chess Discussion - +3 is a draw?#5

Yes, Stockfish cannot properly evaluate fortresses such as the one in your second case. Basically, it has to analyze to depth 100 (50 moves) to realize that ALL possible variations end in a draw by th…

Game analysis - Found a better mating sequence than Stockfish#6

Stuff like this happens from time to time. Even a modern engine like Stockfish is still far from perfect ... and of course limited by time and hardware. I'm currently at depth 58, with these moves as …

Game analysis - Found a better mating sequence than Stockfish#4

Funny thing, if I open the game and jump to the position after 22...Qd7, Stockfish tells me that 23. Rda1 is a #8 (with 23. Qg5 - I assume your Qd5 is a typo - as the next best move as a #13, not #11)…
