
Search "user:darkhorse_98"

20 forum posts
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Lichess Feedback - Saving failed puzzles#1

Thanks for all the amazing work you've been doing! Meanwhile, multiple students of mine have asked for the following feature: as they try to solve puzzles, they happen to fail some of them. What they …

IM darkhorse_98
Lichess Feedback - Keyboard shortcuts to select piece in editor - useful or not?#2

For a person who, as a coach, also happens to create a lot of studies, this sounds like a great idea!

IM darkhorse_98
General Chess Discussion - Is it possible to reach 2200+ in a year?#11

Possibly, this is doable. But, I would strongly suggest you concentrate on the process rather than on the final result! I know very few people who improved by being willing to just improve. But, I kno…

IM darkhorse_98
Lichess Feedback - New Feature Request#1

First of all, I'd like to thank lichess for doing such an amazing job of running this website. I would also like to express my gratitude regarding the chat's interface update, now it's a lot easier to…

IM darkhorse_98
General Chess Discussion - Group lessons#5

Hello! Please, drop me a PM. If we manage to get a group, we'll get started :)

IM darkhorse_98
General Chess Discussion - Group lessons#3

Thanks for your reply! There are a few ideas/reasons. First of all, indeed, some topics, such as openings, can be taught to many people, everyone would be able to ask questions and so on. Of course, o…

IM darkhorse_98
General Chess Discussion - Group lessons#1

Hey, guys! I have been a successful coach, have given a number of individual lessons and have a lot of students, but now I'd like to reach out to a larger community. This is why I've created a YouTube…

IM darkhorse_98
General Chess Discussion - Group looking for skilles coach for 40 online sessions in Aagaards GM Preparation - Calculation#2

Hey, Rasmus! Drop me a message on FB, would love to help!

IM darkhorse_98
General Chess Discussion - Lichess v2 is here#230

Hey, First of all, I wanted to thank you for all the great work you've been putting in! However, there's one detail regarding the studies, which seems to be missing now. When you look at the position,…

IM darkhorse_98