
Search "user:gilligan841"

198 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - chess book for opening for me#2

I would look at youtube videos instead.

Off-Topic Discussion - I need help!!!#10

@QISTINA13 said in #8: > How about I learn programming with you? I think that's the greatest idea I've ever thought of in my entire life.Please accept me as your student,master! We are talking about m…

Off-Topic Discussion - How do you feel about "Mahatma" Ghandi?#9

@Dukedog said in #6: > And more importantly a man of conviction. I understand between the line that you mean very good conviction (at the least; I wanted to write extreme good), because there are a lo…

Off-Topic Discussion - I need help!!!#3

First, you have to decide on which platform you will code; Windows, Android or IOS. Then, search on Internet a language used on this platform and you will probably find a free course for beginners and…

Off-Topic Discussion - How do you feel about "Mahatma" Ghandi?#4

The world would be quite different and better if all our leaders were like him. Unfortunately, he will probably remain unique in the world history. This film presents his life and is very good; it won…

Off-Topic Discussion - You ever consider that Trump is better than Biden?#10

It depends on which matter; in relation to the hairstyle of the toupee; Biden is in no competition!

General Chess Discussion - Tournament prep#13

@AnvitkarkalA I have played 2 OTB tournaments lately and, even knowing it, I lost 4 pieces because I didn't do the "Is this move safe routine" properly. I would have finished first in my class in one …

General Chess Discussion - Tournament prep#11

@AnvitkarkalA said in #10: > The only thing on how I lost is not paying attention to other pieces and their future moves. Curiosity, was it related to "Is this move safe"?

General Chess Discussion - Pawn play#2

More precisly move 13 white

General Chess Discussion - Pawn play#1

One facet of my game that I have little knowledge of is pawn play. This morning I analyzed a game and Stockfish recommended playing b4 after having completed my development. Why play this move at this…
