
Search "user:namesnipe"

85 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - Why do we live when we all are going to die#13

the point of life is to cause conflicts with others, and then you solve those together

Off-Topic Discussion - Tell me your secret for your happiness#22

i just talk with friends and that’s what gets me happy also chess i like playing chess

Off-Topic Discussion - Last Letter Game.#39


Off-Topic Discussion - What would you do if you would have 1 hour before turning into an invinsble zombie?#3

run full speed into the freeway

Off-Topic Discussion - How to start a conversation with a girl you like#12

i am no expert on this sort of stuff but from my experience: just wait for the right time to come if you already know this dude to the like talking level of the relations you can have with people (fam…

Off-Topic Discussion - Mission impossible: lose to worstfish#10

win faster by resigning

Off-Topic Discussion - What you think your the best at#17

i’m simply the best at being @namesnipe

Off-Topic Discussion - Why do you play chess?#2

i’ve known about chess for a while but my dad introduced me to lichess and thus reintroduced chess to my life again and i just kind of flowed with it all the way to now

Off-Topic Discussion - is there a good formula for finding prime numbers?#7

hm well if it’s even it’s composite, with the exception of 2 itself, which is prime (keeping that in mind, look at numbers ending in 2,4,6,8 and 0) if the sum of all the digits is divisible by three i…

Off-Topic Discussion - Whats the best number?#22

27 or 8 i just think they’re cool
