
En Croissant: The Ultimate Chess Toolkit

<Comment deleted by user>
I forgot to mention that when analyzing a game from chess dot com via stockfish 16 it gives me and error "Illegal Uci". Why is that?
It is very strange. It happens only on a particular move by my opponent this Illegal uci error.
@Tolaria said in #103:
> It is very strange. It happens only on a particular move by my opponent this Illegal uci error.
That bug is fixed it will be available on the next patch

i keep getting this error after i try to do game reviews. the review ends and then i get this, wasting all that time.

Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'score')
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'score')
at Y5e (tauri.localhost/assets/index.js:143:4643)
at tauri.localhost/assets/index.js:143:2165
at fg.with (tauri.localhost/assets/index.js:43:8118)
at bJ (tauri.localhost/assets/index.js:143:2115)
at tauri.localhost/assets/index.js:243:900385
at wIe.produce (tauri.localhost/assets/index.js:243:900536)
at tauri.localhost/assets/index.js:243:900370
at [as useReducer] (tauri.localhost/assets/index.js:38:20835)
at Nt.useReducer (tauri.localhost/assets/index.js:9:6300)
at Xre (tauri.localhost/assets/index.js:243:902397)

happens on both Stockfish AND Lc0 ???
How do we copy paste the pgn game played into the clipboard?
Is the analysed game saved to a pgn file?
Say the steps and show imagesof the steps if possible.
Is the plan for this to also include the "blunder", "mistake" and "great" etc moves? It looks like you can self annotate, but I don't see an option for the engine to annotate.