
Automatic courtesy

#13 @Dutch_Player you need to understand that there are actual humans playing against you (unless they are cheating lol) and the "automatic courtesy" system is just sending out an automated message to you. So, when you reply back to it, the player is reading the message. Therefore, it is not weird.
Good job!

As addition I'd like to have a welcome to my opponent before the game too.
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It think I'll disable it in case of draw by flagging.
Nice idea, but I too feel like context is key to communication. Depending on how the game played out, I think saying gg wp after drawing or even losing could be interpreted as insincere or even as a way of taunting your adversary. On the other hand, sometimes when I win a game but I feel like my opponent has played very well and I particularly enjoyed the complications of the game, I say "good game" or "interesting game" or something along those lines, and I never had someone come at me for this. However, if the general consensus is that this is rude, I will avoid doing it in the future.
Something is wrong here.
If I lose and the opponent types GG I also type GG and it's like a handshake. If I win and say GG it doesn't mean literally that the game was very well played but that I thank for the game. I think it's better than to say nothing.
I've never had negative feedback after writing GG and never heard of it. It was Gerry network who taught chess passionates all over the world to say GG after the game. I don't see a problem with it. Needless to say he is a chess educator owning one of the oldest and most popular chess youtube channels. GG shouldn't be automated because you have to personally press this button, otherwise it makes no sense regarding manners. However, if there happen to be many users offended by GGs I am open to replacing this with "thank you for playing the game" button.

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