
Automatic courtesy

I don't think saying good game is bad manners when winning unless your opponent played a bad game. It's just a way to say that you enjoyed the game and the challenge it presented. Sure, if you mean it to taunt someone then it's bad manners, and given the circumstances of the game it could be perceived that way, but this is really all pointing to what is the main thing I want to say, which is if you code in good manners to be automated then they aren't really good manners because it's not genuine. I think everyone should either say good game or not depending on if they mean it and if they want to say it. Also, using this automated message on draws will cause you to tell someone "good game, well played" right after they blunder a sure win into stalemate. I don't think that person will feel that what they just did was well played and to tell them it was isn't ideal.
"Thank you %Usename%."

"Thanks, it was a blast."

"Thanks, for the round."

"Thanks, for the maneuvers."

"Thanks for the head-to-head match"

"Thanks for the head-on match"

Remember that a draw might give you rating points and your opponent might be the loser of the rating points.

So saying more than thank you, needs to be about the time spent playing and not about the end result.
The way I see it, you should only say "gg" if it was genuinely a good game. For example, if it was a close game or if there were some exceptionally good moves played. If it's just a stomp and you say gg then all you're doing is trying to do is earn sportsmanship points, which to me makes you look like a pretentious prick.
I should install a script on my phone to send "hello, how are you?" to my gf every morning since I mean to say it anyway.
Hello, Thanks, Bye.

The silent treatment is ignoring others.
Ignoring is a form of harassment.
Saying thank you shows maturity.

When someone gives someone else a complements, the minimum reply is saying thank you.
Even if its in a form of a smiley reply on the internet.

Accepting a thank you, is a mature conclusion to a game.

Why wait for someone to say thank you before leaving a game?
Accept the social skills of your opponents and give them space.

Having the feature automated sends the thanks to the ones that need it.
The others have already left the game.

Aim to please (think positive) : "Thanks for the challenge."

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