
I think the CAPTCHA puzzles on the forum should be harder

@claymore Ok my silly idea was to have an option for those who wanted it to have more challenging chess CAPTCHA. It would not stop anyone any more so than now. Have you forgotten some people struggle to solve checkmate in one, like beginners and Ivanchuk etc. I guess those people won't post on our forum.

Thanks for accepting my right to make the suggestion. And I concede you have a point about it making posting less straightforward.

Lots of people like to make training fun, what is more fun than post on a forum and improving your chess at the same
I also agree with #10, but no ideas are stupid. There are good and bad ideas. What is proposed here is a bad idea since we have already a training section and weak players may not be able to post.
Please respect other's point of view.

PS how the hell do I solve the following mate in one? :))))
#Yanez Thanks for respecting my point of view. And for pointing out others were not respecting it either.

As ideas go it is pretty bad, in fact very very bad, but it would improve my chess as I love posting on this forum and hate training apps and pages. Despite having designed one myself.

Mate in one is harder than you think, lets spare a moment for all those people who could have posted if they knew how to solve mate in one. lol
@michuk, chess players are not known for their social or diplomacy skills as is evident from this forum discussion. I think its good idea and I would use it. Those mate in one puzzles are too easy.
@optiyrpiyopi thanks

The mate in N moves could be implemented so that a user simply plays the first move of the mating sequence or all the moves, I don't mind which.

The value N is given a default value of 1 and users can change it to 0,1,2,3,4,5 etc.

Before anyone asks Mate in 0 are for people who are struggling with mate in 1 and they are asked to identify if a position is in checkmate. Which is even simpler and still a useful CAPTCHA

Just ideas ...don't shoot me
I would prefer to play out all moves in a mating sequence not just the first one. I often think I know what the answer is and sometimes am proven quite wrong! So it would be a better exercise.

I don't really have an opinion on mate in 0s. Anyone who's on this site probably doesn't have an informed opinion either as they can all solve mate in 1s. Best thing might be to look at the analytics for drop offs or number of failed attempts for mate in ones. If there is a significant number of people who drop off after numerous failed attempts then this is probably a good idea.

there is just no point in it Mischuk.
you can click on the link for help
so anyone can post.

want to solve puzzles?
go to tactics trainer
If its not hard to code and doesn't clutter the UX, just code it and see if people use it. If they don't, remove it after a week.
#optiyrpiyopi yeh on balance you are probably right that if you are going to do Mate in N you should get them to click N times.

Some of the people in my community are beginners and only just started chess but want to try a grown up chess server not To them Mate in 0 is challenging.

Perhaps Mate in -1 where the CAPTCHA is the photo of a player sitting there playing or holding a hand out in resignation.

Dunno. I fear I will be accused of trolling soon but you get my point. Lichess can be a fun place if we let it. Now for my mate in 1 CAPTCHA, where's the check? ah mate.

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